




共发放圣经185本,其中McGill 发放21本英文圣经,Concordia发放164本圣经,包括137本英文,27本法文;





We praise the Lord for the perfecting meeting in the past weekend in Montreal. Brothers Yu and Duan came from New Jersey to help and blend with us. We have three sessions in total: two on Saturday and one on the Lord's Day. Session one title is "The Greatest Prophecy in the Bible — the Building Up of the Body of Christ". The burden is consecration.There were many young saints who stood up to declare their consecration in public and then many families, the parents of these saints and their children also stood up again to testify and consecrate. It was very moving. We received32 consecration sheets. Many of them wrote very specific things to be consecrated to the Lord.

Session 2 was on home and the burden was to encourage the saints to open their homes and to invite people to read the Bible together, eating and blending together. We received 27 consecration sheets.checked from the English and French speaking saints and 19 sheets from the Chinese speaking saints. With so many saints having burden to open their homes,I trust the Lord will lead us to practice the God Ordained Way in a real way.

Message 3 was on "Christ Ascending to the Height and Leading Captive Those Taken Captive —Proclaiming the Gospel of Victory". The burden is to encourage the saints to be a gospel preaching person. On Lord's Day the total attendance was 150 and the message was given separately in English and Chinese. The split was roughly about 80-85 E / 65-70C. Testimonies were given and it was very encouraging. Praise the Lord!

This perfecting training is timely for these two weeks of gospel activities in McGill and Concordia to encourage the saints to participate in these activities. We had 3 days gospel and Bible distribution in McGill and Concordia separately from September 1 to 8. The statistics is shown below:

Total Bibles given out: 185
McGill : 21 E
Concordia: 164 (137 E/ 27 F)

Total wants contact: 61 (55 E/6 F)
McGill: 7 E
Concordia: 48 E/ 6 F

Total on Bible study sign-up sheet: 35
McGill: 6
Concordia: 29

Concordia seminar attendees - new ones: 12
