在实行上,怎么做一个得胜的人呢?第一,我们要天天晨晨复兴,做活力人。第二,要实行神命定的路,打开我们的家。我们要去找属灵的同伴一起祷告,然后把家打开,来为着所有的罪人。正如Benson弟兄所说,我们要一起努力,要去得中国人、得白人、得黑人、得西班牙人。你要把你的家打开。在罗马书第十六章4节,保罗说到万邦的召会(the churches of the nations)。下面一节第5节,保罗就说到在家中的召会( the church in the home)。在罗马的召会就在亚基拉、百居拉的家。我们要实行万邦的福音,就需要把家打开。不光把家打开,还要把心打开。
我和太太搬去沙漠。那里没有中国人,只有白人。我们两个就有负担在沙漠去得白人。主就考验我“你这个心有多大?”我们家隔壁有个邻居,是个标准的白人,养了一条狗,离了婚,一个人住在那里。我们就热情地邀请他到我家来,发现他不信主,圣经也没读过。但是他一坐下来,就大讲特讲,只有他讲没有我讲。如此一个月、两个月、三个月,终于到半年以后,勉强愿意打开圣经来念了。每周我们聚集一次。有一次,我们送他一本恢复本的圣经,请他回家去念经节和注解。下一次来,他又讲了一大堆,也是他讲给我。但是我心里很高兴,至少他开始读圣经了。又过了几个月。我的太太跟我讲,这个人是酗酒的。他一天到晚,一上瘾就要喝酒。我就发现,要爱这个人真难爱啊。有一天,他来敲我的门,他说“Can you give me a ride?(能不能带我去个地方?)”我说“可以啊,你去哪里啊?”“我去liquor store(卖酒的商店)。”我就心中作难,到底是带他去呢,还是不带他去呢?后来,我就想到李弟兄说的故事。他说有一对夫妇,其中一个信主了,另一个要到戏院去看戏。信主的哪一个就说,“我是基督徒,我不能去戏院,但是我带你去,然后我在门口等你。”我就想起这个故事,就带他去liquor store,等到他买了酒,就带他回家。我们的心哪,真得要被扩大。又过了几个月,他每周都来。又过了几个月,有一天我的太太打电话来,说他自杀死掉了。我就心疼,说:“主耶稣啊,我花了那么多功夫,又祷告,又听他讲了那么多,又陪他读经,却死掉了。”
2/1日UC Davis福音真理座谈会报导(之一)
We praise the Lord for the marvelous results this last Friday evening at UC Davis with the English-speaking gospel forum! There were not a large number of UC Davis students there, but the one young Caucasian (Tommy Gilbertson) brother who did come forward to be saved and baptized was truly a son of peace, a ripe fruit that just dropped right into our hands. Please pray for the follow up with this dear one.
Also, another student from Nepal raised his hand indicating that he wanted to be saved, but was too shy to come forward. A campus worker spent some time with him after the meeting and exchanged contact info with him. Please pray for this student to finally open up fully to the Lord for his complete salvation.
About 8 or 9 Chinese-speaking students from one class at the Drexel University extension in Sacramento came with the brothers in Elk G
rove who have been in contact with them. One of them also came forward to confirm his salvation.(Tony was also baptized later). Pray for the continued shepherding of these ones.
The results were so encouraging, plans and aspirations are already underway to have a gospel forum at other campuses in Northern California. Please pray for our wisdom and guidance by the Spirit to accomplish His desire in this regard. (Br. Bill Janzan)
2/1日UC Davis福音真理座谈会报导(之二)
Tommy Gilbertson and Tony Yao were baptized on February 1, 2003 after the English-speaking Gospel Forum. Their dynamic salvations are the results of two-month long prayers and the move of the Lord on the UC Davis campus. Last October, MSW Brothers visited us and encouraged us to have an additional Gospel Forum in English to preach to all nations. We all felt this was the leading of the Spirit. This burden was also picked up by students on campus. Praise the Lord!
The "Students for the Truth", UCD students' club, came together to pray, to plan, and eventually presented the Forum on Friday evening. We invited 5 brothers from Nor Cal churches and 3 brothers from So Cal. The entire atmosphere was in harmony and enjoyable. Two and a half hours went by quickly.
After the baptism, we announced the additional fellowship time the next day, and many saints came, and few lessons were learned: 1) The students are general are open, and the 500 invitation cards were well received, 2) Posting of the flyers should be earlier 3) Friday may not be the best time for gospel forum, and Monday to Wednesday might be better 4) Invitation card should have included some contact information in addition to the announcement of the Gospel Forum.
We thank the Lord for this opportunity to open the door of gospel-preaching not only on UC Davis campus but also on all the campuses in Northern California. May He gain useful vessels for Himself. (Sis. Stella, The Church in Davis)
2/1日UC Davis福音真理座谈会报导(之三)
为着这次在UC Davis的英语福音真理座谈会,学者福音的弟兄们与北加的华语、英语弟兄们有一个多月提前的周周祷告、交通、预备。先是Davis的华语弟兄们有负担传扬万邦福音,然后与学者福音的服事者交通,并进而带进湾区数位英语弟兄们的交通。每周的电话交通中,满了灵里高昂的祷告。英语的弟兄们极其认真,有一次的福音真理座谈会预演(rehearsal)。借着这样细致、详尽、透彻的交通,英语弟兄们深感这是鼓励弟兄姊妹们向万邦传扬福音的绝佳机会。